To Our New Patients:
Welcome to Pain Relief Solutions. Your care and comfort are most important to us. To make your visit with us as pleasant as possible, please sign in at the front desk when you arrive for your appointment and have a seat. In order to better serve our patients, we have adopted the following policies and procedures:
Office Policies
Please Bring The Following Items With You On Your First Appointment:
(i) picture ID card; (ii) insurance card; (iii) authorization form; and (iv) for those patients who are seeing a physician, (a) a list or bottles of all medications the patient is taking, (b) the patient’s x-ray imaging reports, and (c) the patient’s other medical records.
Please Complete And Bring In All Of The Registration Paperwork.
You must complete the paperwork before seeing a provider. If you have not had the opportunity to fill out the paperwork prior to your appointment, please arrive 45 minutes early. Those able to complete their paperwork prior to their appointment, please arrive 15 minutes early.
Please Be On Time.
Like you, we are extremely busy and must budget our time efficiently. If you are late for your appointment, you may have to reschedule your appointment. Patients who fail to cancel an appointment within 24 hours of the appointment time will be subject to a $50.00 fee billed directly to the patient.
You Must Show Your Insurance Card At Each Visit.
We will bill most insurance companies for our patients as a courtesy, provided we have all the necessary information. It is your responsibility to verify with the carrier as to whether the medical services provided to you/the patient (e.g. consults, procedures, tests) are covered by your/the patient’s insurance. Any deductible, copayment, or balance not paid by a patient’s insurance is the patient’s financial responsibility. This applies to all insurances, including Medicare.
Co-Payments And Deductibles Are Due When Services Are Rendered.
If a patient does not have or is unable to pay the patient’s copayment at the time of the patient’s appointment, the patient will have to reschedule the appointment until such time as the patient can pay it. We are sorry, but there can be no exception. Insured patients are responsible for all charges not paid by their insurance within 45 days after the date of service. Payment arrangements can be made on an individual basis at our discretion. We do not accept checks marked with “Payment in Full” or words of similar meaning when the amount of the check is less than the amount charged to the patient. Any deposit of such a check is inadvertent, is not a satisfaction of the full amount owed by the patient, and will be considered a partial payment. We reserve the right to withdraw the extension of credit. There is a service fee of $20 on all returned checks.
Disclosure Of Information.
Disclosure of insurance and other information is necessary in order for services received by a patient to be paid in full. If the patient’s ailment or injury is due to any type of personal injury, accident, or malicious conduct for
which the patient is seeking damages, you/the patient must notify us and sign a lien in our favor. Your failure to make necessary disclosures might make the patient personally responsible for all charges incurred by the patient for services rendered by us.
Thank you for taking the time to read this material. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
I agree to be bound by the policies and procedures above, and I agree to pay reasonable attorney’s fees and costs
should legal proceedings be necessary to collect any portion of the patient’s bill or to enforce this agreement.
CONSENT TO TREATMENT. I hereby consent to the patient’s evaluation and treatment by Pain Relief Solutions (“PRS”) and PRS’s healthcare providers. I authorize PRS and the patient’s physician to (i) consult with any other physician should he/she believe it necessary; and/or (ii) engage the services of another physician if any surgical procedure is to be performed. I agree to pay for such consult and/or services.
Participation In Medical Education Program.
I understand that (i) PRS is a teaching institution; and (ii) the patient may participate as a teaching subject in PRS’s medical education program and may receive treatment from fellows unless PRS is notified to the contrary in writing.